promoting the arts in lassen county

Best of Broadway

A show takes so much more than what the audience sees on stage. The production team is composed of 50+ community members who donate their time to many vital aspects of our production. Our team oversees vocals, choreography, stage, lighting, sound, props, costumes and much more. They make up the backbone and framework of the show. Our organization operates on a volunteer basis, making their efforts all the more respectable. To our production team, Best of Broadway is a year round commitment to bring you an amazing show year after year. 

If you see a position that you are interested in volunteering for, please contact us with the form on the contact us page or email us at:


Lighting Technician:

Sound Engineer:

Sound Technician 1:

Sound Technician 2:

Spotlight Operator:

Microphone Technician 1:

Microphone Technician 2:

Prop designers:




Master Carpenter:

Directors and Choreographers